Beloved community of The Movement of Beautiful Love,
I would like to remind you of the invitation from our Divine Mother for 2025, which is part of The Way of Being program.
As we talked before, our Divine Mother invites us to walk together on a particular path this coming year. The purpose is to grow day after day in the direct relationship with God, that is, with Christ, source of being. Doing it we return to the Father's house. We unite the human and divine in us. In short, we move from the state of separation to that of unity. To achieve this, Heaven has given us the trilogy called Truly Beloved.
The invitation is to read one letter per day in private. The sequence of the books and messages can be altered since they are dialogues of unity, not a revelation that seeks to share information. Truly Beloved invites us to an experience of mystical union, to become aware of the sensitive relationship we have with our creative source.
During the group sessions via ZOOM of The Way of Being, we will share one of the love letters, and we will let its energy, vibration, and power envelop us, as we do in each session dedicated to spiritual reading. It is important to keep track of the feelings and thoughts that we experience along the way, in relation to what heaven tells us each day.
This will be a walk together in the Heaven of our true identity, which is a pure holy relationship of perfect love with Christ. It is in that relationship that we know ourselves as we were created to be. From it, we obtain the vital force to live in harmony with our being and the knowledge to remain in the truth. Becoming aware of this is what this invitation that our Divine Mother offers is about.
If you have any questions or need clarifications, do not hesitate to let me know by WhatsApp, email, or in the groups via ZOOM.
Thank you for accepting the invitation and allowing me to join your souls on this path of divine love.
With Love
PS: To know more about The Way of Being program, please click here