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En esta trilogía, recibida por Sebastián Blaksley, nuestra Divina Madre, Cristo y el Ángel de la Guarda nos regalan cartas de amor. Las mismas son escritas para ti y para todas las almas. Su propósito es ayudarnos a seguir profundizando en la relación directa con Dios, fuente de nuestro ser, y de ese modo recordar y reconocer nuestra verdadera identidad como ser humanos divinizados. En otras palabras, como el Cristo viviente que somos en verdad.
A revelation of the consciousness of Christ that comes to remind us that creation - including ourselves, as an essential part of it - is making a journey from forgetfulness of being, towards full awareness of the perfect love that it is and to which it remains united. for the whole eternity. It also reveals to us that nothing can stop the trajectory of this journey toward the definitive embrace of Christ. It shows us that we are in the last phase of the Christification of creation. That is to say, in the prelude to the times of the plenitude of love. The emergence of the new, which is nothing other than the birth of a New Heaven and a New Earth, whose foundations are truth and love...
Mi diálogo con Jesús y María: un retorno al amor
now available worldwide
Received by Sebastián Blaksley
There is a love story between the soul and its creator. That story unfolds in the depths of each heart, where there is a sacred place where love delights in creating a new holy love. There the delights of God are experienced. Helping us remember and remain in that inner space—where the source of beautiful love and our being live fused in the light of holiness, both being an inseparable unit without ceasing to be who they are—is the central purpose of this work.
Jesus says
Cap. 1 - Inc 1:
"My Grace will be enough for you"
Cap. 1 - Inc 2:
"Love's prisoner"
Un Curso de Amor
There is a way of knowing, that will allow you to move beyond that place to which everything you have learned has taken you, and that will allow you to reach the truth of who you are. Those who long to access the wisdom of the heart will find help in this work. A course of love leads the mind to enter into communion with the heart. It facilitates the awakening of the consciousness of oneness, a consciousness that cannot be learned, but only revealed through union and relationship.
The books are available worldwide in Audiobooks, Print and Ebook. Check the most convenience store based on your locations asking Tequisté Ediciones Argentina, by e-mail at hola@tequiste.com or Take Heart Publications, on www.chooseonlylove.org
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