The alternatives detailed below are the only official ones to make donations to Fundación Amor vivo.
We thank you for helping us accomplish our mission of serving in Christ!

Note: the "comma" symbol corresponds to the Latin Numerical System; equals the "dot" in the American system.
Example: USD 25.00 (Latin) = USD 25.00 (English).-
In case of donations greater than AR$ 100,000 , contact us to request means and forms of payment.
Donations can be made through: Mercado Pago , Paypal, Payoneer , Making a deposit or transfer to our bank account (request account details) or Sending a check payable to Fundación Un Curso de Amor.
For more information, please send us an e-mail to info@fundacionamorvivo.org
Mail address: Av. Libertador 16.434 - San Isidro - 1642 - Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
We are a non-profit organization whose mission is to share the messages of the works that are part of the Foundation. We are in the process of changing our name, becoming the Fundación Amor vivo.
Current legal name:
Fundación Un curso de amor
President: Sebastian Blaksley,
Treasurer: Victor Miguel Bini,
- CUIT 30-71655250-7 -
Subject to the laws of the Argentine Republic.
